Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Rain, Rain Stay Stay Stay!

It's raining! Hooray! For an instant earlier this week I was envious of my siblings already having snow this year, but then I remembered that I haven't gotten enough rain yet. I love the rain. It's so soothing. And it keeps the kids from the playground outside my apartment (I think I should get my rent lowered because of that playground. It is non-stop screaming from 2:45-8PM (or later - the parents in this place - I couldn't even see the children one night, but I could hear them. It was like a G-rated horror movie)). When I got the place, it was a tennis court.

How did this get into a Kristen is an old-fuddy-duddy rant? RAIN. I occasionally consider buying one of those nature sound albums, but it's just not the same. There isn't the same misty feeling in the air. You can't fantasize about going outside and dancing in the puddles.

One of my most relaxing memories is being in the parking lot of my first apartment in Texas and hearing a rustling, I turned and was able to watch the rain come across the parking lot towards me. It was summer so it was also a warm rain. BLISS.


  1. I love rain too! Especially warm rain. Cold rain is only nice if you can stay inside to enjoy it. Otherwise the bottoms of your pants get all wet and soggy. Yuck! But I must admit I'm excited for the snow forecast for tomorrow!

  2. And you're not an old fuddy duddy for not liking children screaming. It means you are sane!
