Monday, November 8, 2010

"Darling, I kill people" Movie Review: RED and Shutter Island

RED - Starring Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren.  (aka Retired, Extremely Dangerous) I had really low expectations going into this movie, which may have helped the grade.  I swear, I should go into all movies thinking they are horrible and so I can be pleasantly surprised each time.  This was a fun action romp.  Bruce Willis plays the character he always does, but the action was mostly new and creative.  I was surprised to find out this was originally a comic book by Warren Ellis (and I looooove comic book movies).  Movie is worth watching for Helen Mirren alone (see quote in title).  HIGHLY recommend. Type:  Flick  Grade:  A.

Shutter Island starring Leonardo DiCaprio.  Took a LONG TIME for me to be very interested in it.  Way too long (almost 2 and half hours) and DiCaprio's Boston accent was distracting.  The movie was shot beautifully, but the storyline was plodding until the last 20 minutes.  SPOILER ALERT:  Highlight to read: I knew there was a twist at the end - thank goodness it wasn't JUST yeah, you're a patient - the last line DiCaprio's character said made the movie.  I totally thought it would fold back on itself and have it all be a brain experiment and DiCaprio would actually be a Federal Agent that they convinced was a patient.  END SPOILER  Type: Movie Grade:  C-.

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