Monday, November 1, 2010

Family Emergency (all is good now)

Here is a pic from Dad's hospital stay (this is in the ER on 10/27/10).  We can always tell when he is really sick because his hands get cold, so Mom is warming his hands up.  He is mostly better now (at 77% last I spoke with him).  He was diagnosed with TIA (transient ischemic attack) which mimics the symptoms of a small stroke but for a shorter time period and no changes in brain.  It was definitely an experience and I'm still emotionally worn out.  Nice to have so many people offering their support (thank you!).  It feels very strange that life is now "back to normal."  I still brace myself every time my phone rings in case something else has happened.   

1 comment:

  1. No kidding! Every time I saw "Bowen" on the caller ID, I didn't know whether to get my hopes up or brace myself. I'm so glad he's doing better.
