Saturday, February 25, 2012

1997 Email Quotes

Alan:  I don't REALLY know anything about my own life at the moment.

Kristen:  Don't you dare write scummy boy!!!  If you do I glue mustauches on all your stuffed animals!

Kristen: And about Klondike bars....they are SOOOOOOO much better if you eat them with a me

Dad:  Speaking of life.  I've been reflecting some on what it means to    know joy in this life.  I've determined that a basic ingredient is to know and like and accept myself for who I am -- not who I   think I ought to be or who I think others want me to be.  Sure, I find some differences between who I know I ought to be and how   I ought to act and feel, but I see these as areas to address,   not to feel badly about.  I suppose this fits in the "Perfection  is a process" category.  

Kim:  Elmo is on-line.

Kim: Laugh it up, fuzzball.

Kim: I love feeling like Spiderman!!

Kristen: It got my number right but it said I was 11 years old.  Guess it went my mental capacity.

Kim:  As you can tell, I lose most of my charm when I come to you as bites of information traveling crosscountry in kuge wire cables. 

Kim:  <cringe>  <sob> <look, I write like Kristy!>

Kristen: You missed it dearie!  I do believe there was cyber-blood shed!

Kristen: I made Steve and his roommates an Angel food cake in loaf pans.   We ate the top off first. ...( might want to censor that part to Mom)

Kristen: I bad.  I evil person.  I adorable.  Hey!  How'd that get in there?!?!?!

Kristen: Just for my records and in case I need to call someone screaming, what's your phone number?

Kristen: Thanksgiving 1997: We [Steve & I] played soccer in the hallway of his apartment was a blast!

Kim:  Do your Swedish meatballs sing in English? 

Kristen: ENTERTAIN ME!!  

Mom after making Christmas Jelly:  You are full of fun email.  I am full of fatigue.

Kristen: I probably know someone you spit on while you were in high school and they were in middle school or freshmen.  

Kristen: The closest I've come to surfing was using the detergent Surf.  Oh, the adventure, the danger.  What an adrenaline rush.

Kristen: cookie person you!

Scott: We only wear socks in CA if it's a formal occasion.  

Kristen: (On return to VA) You know they actually have air here?  

Kristen: Of course I'm interested in fairies, wraiths, vampires, and werewolves.  Who do you think my friends are?  

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