Saturday, February 25, 2012

1996 Email Quotes

Kristen: It was the computers fault.  It's never mine.  I have no faults.  Just earthquakes.

Kristen: I must admit, I have some Extrasensory Supernuclear Perception (ESP) myself.

Kristen: Just this morning I woke up (yes, I'm one of those strange creatures that sleep at night once in awhile).

Kristen: It's too early to smile.

Kristen: Anna said it was alright for me to act strange today because, "It's a Monday."

Kristen: Eeyore has a better life than me and he has a tack in his rump.  

Kristen: darn! (your socks!)

Kristen: I would smile now but I'm wearing one of those silly mud masks and look like a smurf.  

Kristen: I am in a mood to beat something up, but for now, this keyboard should do fine

Kristen: Say 'toy boat' 5 times fast.  It's almost speakily impossible.

Alan: If at first you DO succeed, try not to look astonished.  

Kristen: 8/24/1996 - Guess what Mandarin & I did today? We got my original Monkees album signed by 3 of the 4 Monkees !!!

Kristen: Thanx for not implying that I'm sane.

Alan:  Sorry, I don't believe in puristic versions of languages because they're completely fictional.

Alan:  BTW: Superdecapolysyllabification is your friend! ( So am I! )

Alan:  Were you aware of just how wonderful you are?
( LIAR!  You're MUCH more wonderfuller than that! )

Alan:  Hi.  I exist.  (that was the entire email)

Alan:  "Vampire" is such an aesthetically pleasing word to write.....

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