Monday, February 27, 2012

1998 Email Quotes pt. 2

Kristen: Nope I'm not online, which is why I'm not writing you this letter.  

Kristen:  My brother confided me that he's flattered many a girl by saying some line in french which means something like 'your eyes remind me of a dead dog'

Kristen: You said you would before and I said if you didn't I'd die.  And look, I'm dead now.  See what you're maltreatment has done?  Now I have these huge wings to take care of, not to mention a stupid halo to polish everyday.  *sigh* 

Kim:  I like to think that I am capable of distorting the photographic image with my mind, but actually I just hide my head or duck.

Kim: Plus, I had just finished lunch with someone who reminds me a great deal of Ms. Piggy.

Kristen:  I'd love you, but were starting exams this week and I don't have much room for emotion.  I'll love you in a week.

ASH:  Q. do you sometimes hear voices. A. Yes...whenever i answer the phone.... 

Kim:  Do you see all of the freezer burn surrounding your ice tray and really old t-v dinners?  Good, now, imagine that all over your front lawn.  That's it!  Snow.

Kristen:  Well, I finally figured out what SMTP means (Send Messages to People).

Kristen to Kim: They always say you have to remember the little people and I'm shorter than you. 

Kristen:  Since I last talked to you, I've moved to Hawaii, learned how to surf, learned how to surf without getting bit by a shark in the process, got married, and had twin baby boys - one grew up to be a serial killer, the other one an IRS agent.  You can guess which one I'm proud of.                

         I also bought a tee shirt.

           What have you been up to?

Kristen:  I'm aspiring to getting a cubicle someday.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

1998 Email Quotes - Pt 1.

Kristen: [Steve & I] both basically agreed that they probably hid the Holy Grail in our garage, because that's where everything turns up.

Jenny: i feel you more fully appreciate you education when you risk loosing your appendages to frost bite on the way to your classes.

Kristen:  Steve modeled that hat for his roommates.  If there had been room he would have done some Russian jumps in it.

Kristen:: Thanks for the snowball.  It hit me right smack dab in the face.  I'm blind now, so if there are any misspellings, it's all your fault.

Mom:  Smile--your mother loves you.

Carmen:  You know me unless some thing is tattooed on my body in some very visible place I forget it.

Scott:  Well, that's cool, I'll be famous soon enough.  I'm either going to be a huge rock star or a mass murderer.  

Anna:  i'm sooo bored w/o you around to make me laugh and shake like a bowl full of jelly.

Kristen:: Just cause I'm too lazy to press tab this is the next paragraph. 

Mom:  How are your eyelashes? 

Kim:  As you can see, I am making the effort to write to you--not that it is all that hard to do, I just punch a whole bunch of keys in a more or less random order and see what comes up--so far I'm doing an excellent job--this is actually coherent--let's hope my luck holds.

Kristen:: Do you know that it's really easy to yodel your name?

Kristen: But if you want weird looks, I'd suggest sitting down in the elevator and read for awhile. 

Kristen: Your accounting homework calls you by name?  Wow, your homeworks smarter than mine!  Mine just yells, "Hey, you!  Get your butt over here!"  which I, of course, ignore and shove it into the empty refridgerator. 

Kristen: Why do cat's have nine lives?  Kim: Because they are one-ninth the size of humans--they deserve something in exchange.

Kim:  I am much happier--I do believe there is an inverse relationship between the length of my hair and the level of joy inside of me--if I have any more short depressing periods I am going bald!

Kristen: I laughed my head off.  (see?  There it goes, rolling down the street...) 

Kristen: Why can't the world deal with fish instead of dollar bills?  I would much rather go fishing to pay someone back.  

Dad:  Actually I did want to wake you, but reason and compassion prevailed.)

Kristen: I take that [NyQuil] in the daytime I feel like Raggedy Ann:  floppy limbs and no brain, and perhaps eyes that look like buttons.  

Kristen: Hey, if you just look at the beginning of that sentence it looks Ewok-ian.

Kristen: Well, I think I'm two percent milk fat....

Kristen: HOBBIES: Reading, writing, rhyming, drinking hot chocolate, destroying my web      page, lipsyncing, pretending to know what I'm talking about

Kristen: SCARIEST THING YOU'VE EVER DONE: Teach Anna how to drive.

Matt:  I do believe that I am made of linoleum.

Kim:  Blame ME!  But I am warning you, it isn't my fault.

Kristen: I talked to my mom last night and she was very proud to tell me she learned how to do the YMCA.  I could hear her doing while she was talking to me.  


Dad: And it's only two more days until Monday . . . plenty of time to get life in order and ready ourselves for the dawn of a new week! 

Kim:  Funniest bumper sticker this 1,000 miles:  Eat lamb.  50,000 coyotes can't be wrong.

Kim:  Today I start fencing-oooh! 
         Tomorrow I rock climb.
         Friday I parachute.
         Saturday I go undercover for the special operatives as a navy seal.  We will be infiltrating the special weapons center in Czechoslovakia, where the current world threat of genosidal political advocates are laying low until they can take the world by storm.  I'll be wearing black.  You'll see me.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

1997 Email Quotes

Alan:  I don't REALLY know anything about my own life at the moment.

Kristen:  Don't you dare write scummy boy!!!  If you do I glue mustauches on all your stuffed animals!

Kristen: And about Klondike bars....they are SOOOOOOO much better if you eat them with a me

Dad:  Speaking of life.  I've been reflecting some on what it means to    know joy in this life.  I've determined that a basic ingredient is to know and like and accept myself for who I am -- not who I   think I ought to be or who I think others want me to be.  Sure, I find some differences between who I know I ought to be and how   I ought to act and feel, but I see these as areas to address,   not to feel badly about.  I suppose this fits in the "Perfection  is a process" category.  

Kim:  Elmo is on-line.

Kim: Laugh it up, fuzzball.

Kim: I love feeling like Spiderman!!

Kristen: It got my number right but it said I was 11 years old.  Guess it went my mental capacity.

Kim:  As you can tell, I lose most of my charm when I come to you as bites of information traveling crosscountry in kuge wire cables. 

Kim:  <cringe>  <sob> <look, I write like Kristy!>

Kristen: You missed it dearie!  I do believe there was cyber-blood shed!

Kristen: I made Steve and his roommates an Angel food cake in loaf pans.   We ate the top off first. ...( might want to censor that part to Mom)

Kristen: I bad.  I evil person.  I adorable.  Hey!  How'd that get in there?!?!?!

Kristen: Just for my records and in case I need to call someone screaming, what's your phone number?

Kristen: Thanksgiving 1997: We [Steve & I] played soccer in the hallway of his apartment was a blast!

Kim:  Do your Swedish meatballs sing in English? 

Kristen: ENTERTAIN ME!!  

Mom after making Christmas Jelly:  You are full of fun email.  I am full of fatigue.

Kristen: I probably know someone you spit on while you were in high school and they were in middle school or freshmen.  

Kristen: The closest I've come to surfing was using the detergent Surf.  Oh, the adventure, the danger.  What an adrenaline rush.

Kristen: cookie person you!

Scott: We only wear socks in CA if it's a formal occasion.  

Kristen: (On return to VA) You know they actually have air here?  

Kristen: Of course I'm interested in fairies, wraiths, vampires, and werewolves.  Who do you think my friends are?  

1996 Email Quotes

Kristen: It was the computers fault.  It's never mine.  I have no faults.  Just earthquakes.

Kristen: I must admit, I have some Extrasensory Supernuclear Perception (ESP) myself.

Kristen: Just this morning I woke up (yes, I'm one of those strange creatures that sleep at night once in awhile).

Kristen: It's too early to smile.

Kristen: Anna said it was alright for me to act strange today because, "It's a Monday."

Kristen: Eeyore has a better life than me and he has a tack in his rump.  

Kristen: darn! (your socks!)

Kristen: I would smile now but I'm wearing one of those silly mud masks and look like a smurf.  

Kristen: I am in a mood to beat something up, but for now, this keyboard should do fine

Kristen: Say 'toy boat' 5 times fast.  It's almost speakily impossible.

Alan: If at first you DO succeed, try not to look astonished.  

Kristen: 8/24/1996 - Guess what Mandarin & I did today? We got my original Monkees album signed by 3 of the 4 Monkees !!!

Kristen: Thanx for not implying that I'm sane.

Alan:  Sorry, I don't believe in puristic versions of languages because they're completely fictional.

Alan:  BTW: Superdecapolysyllabification is your friend! ( So am I! )

Alan:  Were you aware of just how wonderful you are?
( LIAR!  You're MUCH more wonderfuller than that! )

Alan:  Hi.  I exist.  (that was the entire email)

Alan:  "Vampire" is such an aesthetically pleasing word to write.....

Condo incoming!

I finally have a settlement date on my condo!  March 30th.  I will finally be moving in April!  See the nifty floor plans below.

So I have a month to clean out everything I don't need from my apartment.  I've cleaned out probably a third of my books (thank you Kindle!) and am now working on the rest.  Today I tried to use my DrinkMaster that my parents gave me.  I think it might be better for cocktails and the such cause to make a smoothie, it tells you to puree the fruit in the blender first.  Why not just make the whole thing in the blender then?  I tried it without the blender and I'm now drink-chewing a mango orange banana smoothie.  Tasty, but not worth it.  So that will go to friends who may make cocktails.

In the meantime, so much to plan!  First purchase will have to be full size washer/dryers.  Any recommendations?