Friday, March 11, 2016

Random Molly Pics

I can curl my tongue!

Gently going in for the cheese....

Finally!  A bully stick big enough for me!

I do look good in orange, don't I?

Look!  I'm Santa's little elf!

You better leave some cookies out for me!


Yep, I fit on my friend Pauline's lap just fine!

This blanket is MINE!  ALL MINE.  And I shall LAY UPON IT.

Yes, may I help you?

Perfect poser.  

I only sleep on blankets on the bed - the heavy ones in winter!

Cuddlin' with my crazy mama.

Whatcha doin' Grandma?

Grandma finally noticed I was here!  Don't loo,k don't look!

Patrolling the neighborhood from the balcony.



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