Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Images from the January 2016 Blizzard

Molly and I spent the January blizzard of 2016 at the parents house. We got about 3 feet of snow!  

Snow was so heavy, it flattened some bushes in the back yard.

View from the front doorstep, halfway through the storm.

Dad walking into the garage halfway through the storm.

Halfway through - and above the knees!
Driveway measurement - 35 inches!

Can you find my car?

Molly watching us shovel.

She kept getting hit by the shovels, but wanted to be outside, so we put her in the trunk of  Dad's car.

Fashion model shot.

She got a little stuck in the trunk after laying down.

I think another Dane could fit in there, don't you?  

Proof I shoveled (with help from Molly) (and Dad's finger).

You want me to go out in this?

I'll try.

Ahhh...better after Grandpa shoveled me a path!  Look, the snow is taller than I am!

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