Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Doggie Ice Cream Break

Even dogs need an ice cream break now and then.

Who's the happiest one in this picture?  THREE WAY TIE!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Grandma and Molly

Even when asleep, Molly likes to be involved with everything.  Good thing her Grandma loves it too!
Grandma is considering decorating Molly with the ornaments.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Field Trips

Mom, Dad, Molly and I went to Bull Run to celebrate Memorial Day.  

I swear, Stonewall Jackson AND his horse had heads in the display when I took the pic.


Dad and I did our annual free fishing Friday at Claude Moore Park.  Still haven't caught a fish.  But the 4 year old next to us caught one half her size in 5 minutes.  *jealous*

Lake with geese (they doubled before we left)

Molly loved watching the lake and geese.

Look at that grin on his face!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Last and First

Last photo in my old place...
Woohoo! Sunshine!
 First photo while staying with parents:

I'm not sure about this.  I need my Grandma.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Too Much and Not Enough

Too much is going on and not enough to talk about at the same time.  So instead, enjoy this photo of Molly sunbathing.

Yeah, my inner ear needs a tan.

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Two dogs....one bully stick.  Love that Molly and Niko are comfortable enough with each other to share!

Nom nom nom.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


At parents today and this is an example of the gourmet food I get here.  My dad is a great chef.

Taco Salad by Dad

Monday, March 14, 2016

Paint Nite Paintings

I've heard a lot about Paint nights - usually they come with wine, but PaintNite does their paintings in a restaurant, so you can order what you want.  Pat and I decided to try it.  Here are my masterpieces so far...

The first one here was only supposed to have one cat, but my hand put a big black smudge next to it.  So now she has a baby cat with a crooked tale.  

Meowing to the Moonlight

This one was first time mixing paints, and I wish the instructor had aid to add white to the orange and yellow as it is supposed to be ethereal and instead it looks like a forest fire.  And the path looks more like a polluted river.  But I love my branches!

Firefighting Snow

The most recent one was the most difficult - and I wish the instructor would have taught it differently.  It looks like there is a weird circle in the middle and my bridge is just a fence. But I like my river banks and river!
Cherry Blossoms Attack!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Random Molly Pics

I can curl my tongue!

Gently going in for the cheese....

Finally!  A bully stick big enough for me!

I do look good in orange, don't I?

Look!  I'm Santa's little elf!

You better leave some cookies out for me!


Yep, I fit on my friend Pauline's lap just fine!

This blanket is MINE!  ALL MINE.  And I shall LAY UPON IT.

Yes, may I help you?

Perfect poser.  

I only sleep on blankets on the bed - the heavy ones in winter!

Cuddlin' with my crazy mama.

Whatcha doin' Grandma?

Grandma finally noticed I was here!  Don't loo,k don't look!

Patrolling the neighborhood from the balcony.



Thursday, March 10, 2016

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Bowen Thanksgiving Visit

Another catch-up post!  The Nebraska Bowens came to visit for Thanksgiving again last year!

Jana plays the piano with Molly's rapt attention.

The girls play with their learning pads on the couch.

Alyssa (who is afraid of dogs) pets Molly!

Siana joins Alyssa in the Molly love.

Okay, I'm there too.

Reading with Grandpa!

Always a good time.

Molly and Grandma enjoyed it was well!
Toby was there, too,  with his new favorite pose for pics.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Images from the January 2016 Blizzard

Molly and I spent the January blizzard of 2016 at the parents house. We got about 3 feet of snow!  

Snow was so heavy, it flattened some bushes in the back yard.

View from the front doorstep, halfway through the storm.

Dad walking into the garage halfway through the storm.

Halfway through - and above the knees!
Driveway measurement - 35 inches!

Can you find my car?

Molly watching us shovel.

She kept getting hit by the shovels, but wanted to be outside, so we put her in the trunk of  Dad's car.

Fashion model shot.

She got a little stuck in the trunk after laying down.

I think another Dane could fit in there, don't you?  

Proof I shoveled (with help from Molly) (and Dad's finger).

You want me to go out in this?

I'll try.

Ahhh...better after Grandpa shoveled me a path!  Look, the snow is taller than I am!