Friday, October 16, 2015

Molly's Friends: Niko and Emmie

 Molly loves her friends, the Shar Peis, Niko and Emmie (she also loves their moms, Suzy and Donna).  We take turns visiting each other's houses on walks and having fun.

Molly is waiting at their front door, not wanting to admit no one is home.

Here's Niko showing Molly how do find treats in his toy.

See, you raise up the flaps...

And then eat the treats underneath!
 Donna and Suzy are both nurses and love to show pics of their dogs to patients. Molly is now included in that group - Donna get's a lot of wow at the picture below.

 They all even came out to visit the Bowen house to take advantage of playing outside.

Niko: I am handsome.

Emmie: I am adorable.

I am having a great time!
Did you see how handsome I am??

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