Monday, December 24, 2012

Early Christmas Present

Someone got part of her Christmas gifts early.
Nom Nom Nom
It took me 10 tries to get a pic wear she wasn't moving in the shot.  She is loving this rib bone.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Pillow Stealer

She started last night an the bottom left of the bed and ended up at the top right.  She loves my pillow.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Dog Park Fun

This was taken at the dog park on Sunday.  Molly wasn't the biggest dog in the park - we met an English Mastiff named Odin, as well as Bulldog Tyke and Bulldog puppy Lola.   They all kept getting in each others ways, so not too much play happened, but they tried!

In case you can't watch a video, here's a pic:
What is this small creature?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Thanksgiving Tale

This is the story of a dog name Molly.  All she wanted for Thanksgiving was some of the yummy turkey meat that her grandpa seemed to be playing with.

Before all her family gathered for dinner, she crept up behind Grandpa.

*casually whistling*  Whatcha doing?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Walking with Molly

On Sunday, Molly slept in until NOON so I rewarded her with a 2 hour exploratory walk.

Long walks are SO FUN!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Molly Goes To Bed

I never thought I'd do it, but I let Molly up on my bed and she is getting used to it.  We're still working out positions as her favorite is usually the one below - which doesn't leave much room for me!

"I found my spot - you can work with this right?"
 But the cutest is after I get up in the morning, I look back in and she has moved to where I was sleeping.

"Mom was right...pillows are awesome!"
 I decided one afternoon to try working from my bed instead of the desk and Molly joined me.

"How can Mom look at this thing all day?  Just puts me to sleep."
Who knew a dog could be so fun even when she is asleep?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Sleepy Time

We had a lovely 2AM walk this morning because someone didn't feel well - Molly is still sleeping it off.

Snug as a bug in a rug

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Monday, October 8, 2012

MAGDRL 10/7/12 Meet & Greet

Molly and I did I first full Meet & Greet at Wylie Wagg in Fairfax for MAGDRL yesterday.  Molly was one of two donation dogs.  They helped to collect $181.35 in donations! 

Molly looking pretty in her donation shirt.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Molly loves...ME!

Usually she does sit down hugs, but this was a rare standing one :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Molly Mom!

Which hand had the treat in it?  

Read More

Hopefully y'all are seeing the read more links that I started to add with jumps and are able to view the entire post.

Look to the bottom left of the post.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Kim!

Last week was Kim's birthday and a couple of us gathered together to celebrate her awesomeness...with CAKE.
cake Cake CAKE!

Gone Fishing

On Saturday, Dad and I resumed our quest to catch a fish for a couple hours at Claude Moore Park.  Still no fish but we had a grand time thanks to perfect weather, good company, and a playful puppy.

Dad showing Molly how to reel in the line.

Molly Loves...the Couch

Look ma!  All legs!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012

Best Spot in the Yard

There is 15 year time span between these pictures but both Molly (current dog) and Midnight (previous puppy) like the same spot in my parents backyard - even the landscaping has changed!

Molly went over here, dug a hole and laid down in it.

Nice and cool.

Midnight didn't have to dig - there was plenty of ivy.  Can you see her?

There she is!  Awww....

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream

Molly really likes to sleep with her head hanging off her bed.  Luckily the old dog bed was nearby to be a pillow.

This happens at least once a day.
See?  This is one week later.  Can you spot the difference?
Look who's allowed on the couch!  Still trying to figure out the best position.

MUCH more comfy.

She even is starting to like her crate.

Let's try hanging something else off the bed...

...need more hang...

This happened after she kicked the door in her sleep - she blamed it on me.

Molly loves her car rides - even when she's tired.

Is there a law about taking pics with your camera while driving?

This was just too cute to miss.

I occasionally even get snuffles - it's getting to be a regular position.
How do YOU watch TV?

Monday, July 30, 2012

Sticky Rice

Molly didn't feel well this morning and it looks to be that she's not eating enough! (and I thought I was was feeding her too much).  To settle her stomach, she was to have a bowl of rice with bits of turkey cold cuts.  Which she didn't like at all as you can tell from these pictures.

Is there more on the other side of the bowl?

Why do you keep giggling when you look at me?

She is feeling much better now and I am going to add a cup of food before bedtime so her stomach doesn't get that empty.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Molly!

Here Molly is hanging out under my parents dining room table.

My mom is sweetly petting Molly - this was soon followed by Molly standing up and my mom  freaking out about being knocked over (she wasn't and she laughed afterwards).

Molly waiting for a belly rub.

Molly wanting my dinner.

Happy Molly hanging out in "her" spot.

And now time for a BED time story.

Molly only somewhat fits on the Costco beds I got her - and they are lumpy.

Juuuuuust fits.

So she finds all sorts of odd positions that I can't believe are too comfortable.

Maybe I can move onto the couch by osmosis....

...getting closer...

Even when I tried to make them more comfortable, the beds weren't the best.

The pillow is where I was lying next to her before bed time.  Awwww....

She's even giving her crate another try.

It's the new sheet decorating that brought her back.

Of course none of the beds are as good as just lying in the grass.

Molly & Toby hanging out together.

Trying to tan.

 So even though she sometimes found just the right spot on the lumpy beds...


 Molly got a new memory foam bed for her birthday that she is already breaking in.  Just trying to find the right position.

Almost got it....


Looks like she is running in her sleep.


Molly pretending she's a show horse.