Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Walking with Molly

On Sunday, Molly slept in until NOON so I rewarded her with a 2 hour exploratory walk.

Long walks are SO FUN!
This was taken near the end of the walk so Molly was willing to pose for me in front of the lake.  You can see the path below us - we were running around on the flatlands above (I think it's a gas line area that has to be able to be seen from above).

This is my good side.

Different angle - the building in the back will be the library that was supposed to open last Spring - now scheduled for this upcoming Spring.
Who am I kidding - all my sides are GREAT!

I don't care for these pics of me (bad angle) but Molly looks so adorable in them, had to include.

Will taking these pics with you mean I get a cookie? Yes?

Then I will smile!

Molly and I kept up the long walk during lunch break yesterday.  There is a culvert near the entrance to my neighborhood that I let her run around off leash if no one is nearby.  She is very good off leash and usually checks on me almost every minute.  We are really enjoying our walks at lunch now that they are getting a little longer since it is too dark to go to the dog park in the evenings. 

What was that noise?  (It was a bird)

I am not sure what it was but I am ready to run either towards it or away from it!

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