Saturday, March 3, 2012

1999 Email Quotes

Meagan: I've decided that the next time that someone asks me where my boyfriend is I am going to say that I don't know.  I haven't seen him since the pre-existence. 

Kristen: Well, another valentine's day coming up and I'm single.  I'm celebrating this whole week though by renting all the die hard and lethal weapon movies.  Some people get sappy.  I get violent.  I'm beginning to enjoy this holiday.  Plus, cheap chocolate for sale on the 15th.

(in response to ideas of Kristen should go do)
Anna: certify for deep sea diving, scuba diving, skydive,
Kristen: Turn into shark bait or a love me anna, you really love me...
Anna:  join a Mormon convent
Kristen: You hate me anna, you really hate me...
Anna: Join the Glee Club. Make pink frosting a fashion statement.
Kristen: You despise me anna, you totally despise me...
Anna:  Marry Christian Bales.
Kristen:  Plural?  Anna is forgiven for everything previously said.

Kim: All this talk of shoes makes me hungry for... cookie.  Hmmm.  Moral dilemma.

Anna:  I am in serious need of reaffirmation of self and existence. In other words, the brownies aren't working!!!! 

Random Email Subjects:  dark corners have velvet edges; George Washington rides a white horse; You can't stop me now.  I'm on a roll.  (Mustard and Ketchup, Please.), Jump-roping oranges, Bittersweet Tumbleweed

Kim:  Okay, Why are we comparing me to a rabid badger?  Actually, that seems quite appropriate.  Badgers aren't ticklish either.

 Anna: Somehow, I can't seem to find anyone with a shoulder quite as comfortable as yours! Grrr!
Kristen: I was thinking that EXACT SAME THING this weekend.  Of course, I slept on your head, but I thought I'd be nice and not say that I miss your soft head.

Anna & Kristen's band name:  Psychic Tickle.

Kim:  Kristy--Hello!  You were in my dream last night.  I don't know what you were doing there, but you stood in my OSU bathroom and yelled at the missing shower curtain until it was so ashamed that it reappeared.
Thankyou for that. :-)

Kim:  I'm off to watch a meteor shower (I wonder what soap he'll use).

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