Sunday, June 10, 2012

Meet Molly

I finally got a roommate - meet Molly!

This is her wondering why I stopped scratching her.
Yesterday I drove up to New Jersey to meet Molly and we bonded right away - and on the 6 hour drive home through traffic.  Molly is a mismatched mantle-merle Great Dane.  Everyone keeps saying that she is so big, but she is just the right size.

On the way home we stopped by my parents and Molly met my Dad, Mom and Todd and got to romp around the backyard for a bit.

Molly is still very shy and doesn't know what to do with this new place - I have beds for her everywhere but she just likes to lie on the floor.

This is her next to me right now.
Molly misses home and the other dogs she was with - I think she's still deciding whether I can live up to them, so right now there is a lot of reassurance.   Hopefully soon she will adjust and love her new life.

1 comment:

  1. It's so great to see this and how well she is adjusting to her new family. She is the sweetest girl and we are thrilled she got such a great home. Thank you Kristen! MaryFran
