Monday, February 27, 2012

1998 Email Quotes pt. 2

Kristen: Nope I'm not online, which is why I'm not writing you this letter.  

Kristen:  My brother confided me that he's flattered many a girl by saying some line in french which means something like 'your eyes remind me of a dead dog'

Kristen: You said you would before and I said if you didn't I'd die.  And look, I'm dead now.  See what you're maltreatment has done?  Now I have these huge wings to take care of, not to mention a stupid halo to polish everyday.  *sigh* 

Kim:  I like to think that I am capable of distorting the photographic image with my mind, but actually I just hide my head or duck.

Kim: Plus, I had just finished lunch with someone who reminds me a great deal of Ms. Piggy.

Kristen:  I'd love you, but were starting exams this week and I don't have much room for emotion.  I'll love you in a week.

ASH:  Q. do you sometimes hear voices. A. Yes...whenever i answer the phone.... 

Kim:  Do you see all of the freezer burn surrounding your ice tray and really old t-v dinners?  Good, now, imagine that all over your front lawn.  That's it!  Snow.

Kristen:  Well, I finally figured out what SMTP means (Send Messages to People).

Kristen to Kim: They always say you have to remember the little people and I'm shorter than you. 

Kristen:  Since I last talked to you, I've moved to Hawaii, learned how to surf, learned how to surf without getting bit by a shark in the process, got married, and had twin baby boys - one grew up to be a serial killer, the other one an IRS agent.  You can guess which one I'm proud of.                

         I also bought a tee shirt.

           What have you been up to?

Kristen:  I'm aspiring to getting a cubicle someday.

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