Monday, June 20, 2011


The day finally came...I got to see the Monkees in concert again!  Last time was my first concert in 1987.  Davy, Mickey and Peter were there and did a high energy and entertaining show at Wolf Trap.  They had an 8 piece band helping them out with instruments and singing, but still played some instruments themselves (Peter rocked the banjo) and Peter even did a couple of Mike's songs.

Of course, I forgot my camera, so most shots are from my horrible cell phone camera.

Waiting impatiently for the concert to start...

None of them had great voices, but the tonal quality was still there. Peter warbled a bit (totally understandable - he just had part of his tongue removed due to cancer- impressed he was doing the tour at all!) and Davy and Mickey tended to more speak-sing than actually sing.  At points Mickey sounded like he was trying to be operatic, which didn't really work for the songs.  Davy warmed up about half-way through and danced in his typical 1960's style through out many of the numbers.  Two older woman even brought him flowers to the stage and he gave them each a kiss, causing one to shake her arms with glee.

Really bad quality - sorry.  Can you recognize the opening song?

I was happily surprised to hear them play my favorite song  "As We Go Along"  from the Head soundtrack.  It didn't come across as ethereal as the recording but still, SO HAPPY.

Pat and I at the concert...(see!  So happy!)

Pat & Janet went with me and noted that the audience was full of older white people (though saw several young'uns with their dads).  They didn't remember many of the songs, but said they both enjoyed it.  I was surprised that so few people were singing along!  There was one song I didn't recognize (sounded like a 70s Davy Jones penned and sung one), and I didn't know ALL the words to two others.  Still, everyone stood up and sang a chorus of "Daydream Believer" together at the end.

Throughout the show there were images projected in the background of stills or movies from their TV show, concerts or candid shots.  So fun to see all the memories!  They must have played at least 20 songs - all their hits plus a few extras. I'll definitely be back for their 50th anniversary tour if they have one (this was their 45th).

Me post-sweaty concert in new overpriced Monkees t-shirt where I they totally photoshopped Mike out (picture is from the Headquarters Album)

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