Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What came first...the Chicken or the Egg?

Found out today there is actual an answer to the question of what came first, the chicken or the egg.

The answer?

The chicken!

In 2010, British researchers discovered that the protein necessary to create the eggshell is found exclusively in the ovaries of the chicken. So the chicken had to come first, because the eggshell can't be made without that protein. 

The protein ovocledidin-17 controls the eggshell crystallization process, and without it, the shell couldn't form at all. 

Of course, scientists won't outright say this - it's not completely conclusive, but it works for me!  

(taken from http://www.cracked.com/article_19195_7-simple-questions-you-wont-believe-science-just-answered.html (warning - some language NSFW) and http://articles.cnn.com/2010-07-14/world/england.chicken.egg.riddle_1_chicken-crystal-structure-human-skeleton?_s=PM:WORLD


  1. I would also argue that an egg can't hatch itself. :)

  2. Only Dinosaurs had eggs millions of years before chickens evolved . . .
