Tuesday, May 10, 2011

1 Fish, 2 Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish

Reenactment of email conversation with my boss:

ME:  Boss, here are two options for you.  Option 1 is your favorite color RED, but is overly expensive.  Option 2 is BLUE, but decently priced.  Let me know which you'd prefer.

BOSS:  Have you looked into more than one option?

ME:  Yes, see above, Option 2.

BOSS:  What about BLUE options?

ME:  Option 2 above, is BLUE.

BOSS:  Option 1 is too expensive.  Is there anything cheaper?

ME:  Yes.  Option 2 is less than have the cost.

BOSS:  What color is Option 2?

ME:  Option 2 is BLUE.

The next email I expect, is either "Why are we doing this again?"  or What are the RED options?


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