Friday, May 27, 2011

I aM mE

Whole reason I watch America's Best Dance Crew is for performances like this.  Wow.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Perky Frustration

So I recently got my hair cut (a good 6 inches off - woo!) and colored to what the hairstylist thought was my natural color.  A few washes later and it's slowly fading closer to what I thought it would be.  The cut is longer in the front, short in the back and is supposed to curl under all around.  However, my hair disagrees with this cut.  I actually had a conversation with my hair this morning.

ME:  No, you are supposed to curl under.  No frizzies and curl UNDER.

HAIR:  I will not do as you ask.  I will pretend to curl under but frizz.  And there will be a strange bump in that one area you cannot reach well.

ME:  Fine, do a little odd curling.  Like what we did the other day.  See?  This is still cute.

I am curled under on the right but am undecided on the left.

HAIR:  Did you not notice that somehow in the 2 weeks since you took that picture, I have grown 2 inches?

Wait, weren't you curling just under my chin last week?
ME:  How did you do that?

HAIR:  I naturally work to make your hair look as perky as possible.  It is your curse.  Do not try to thwart me.   Or this will happen! the knife in the background going to help me or change to the dark side? (aka brunette)
HAIR:  You wanted curl under?  Congrats - ONE section will curl under.  MUHAHAHA.  Also, that angle makes it look like your hair is receding on one side of your part.

ME:  FAIL.  :(

Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Jana!

Jana looks like Joan Crawford a bit here, doesn't she?

The cutest couple!

I need more pictures!  
Love ya Jana!  Happy Birthday!  

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

1 Fish, 2 Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish

Reenactment of email conversation with my boss:

ME:  Boss, here are two options for you.  Option 1 is your favorite color RED, but is overly expensive.  Option 2 is BLUE, but decently priced.  Let me know which you'd prefer.

BOSS:  Have you looked into more than one option?

ME:  Yes, see above, Option 2.

BOSS:  What about BLUE options?

ME:  Option 2 above, is BLUE.

BOSS:  Option 1 is too expensive.  Is there anything cheaper?

ME:  Yes.  Option 2 is less than have the cost.

BOSS:  What color is Option 2?

ME:  Option 2 is BLUE.

The next email I expect, is either "Why are we doing this again?"  or What are the RED options?


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Steve Folk Dancing

I'm so proud I figured out how to post these to YouTube.  I'm only 5 years behind the world in technology.  But these videos are 10 years old, so maybe that makes me right on time.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What came first...the Chicken or the Egg?

Found out today there is actual an answer to the question of what came first, the chicken or the egg.

The answer?

The chicken!

In 2010, British researchers discovered that the protein necessary to create the eggshell is found exclusively in the ovaries of the chicken. So the chicken had to come first, because the eggshell can't be made without that protein. 

The protein ovocledidin-17 controls the eggshell crystallization process, and without it, the shell couldn't form at all. 

Of course, scientists won't outright say this - it's not completely conclusive, but it works for me!  

(taken from (warning - some language NSFW) and