Monday, February 28, 2011

Ouch & Movies

I used to love doing Tae Bo.  I still have some VHS tapes (one that I think I borrowed from Pat and never returned...oops) that I really should have tried out again before attempting what I did yesterday.  I tried out a cardio kickboxing class.  I though I was doing pretty good at converting what the instructor was doing to more of a low impact (almost everyone in the class was in shape) but she corrected my stance and ouch.  I only lasted 20 minutes.  I was good and did a treadmill cool down, some stretching and a little sauna, but my quads are not happy campers.  My left leg has given out a few times on me today.  So class should be interesting tonight.  And I'm not longer sad that I spent the rest of the day yesterday catching up on movies (The Karate Kid remake was long, but still fun.  Love the move they did that replaced the crane from the original but SO not actually possible).  Also watched a crazy Australian movie that was basically an homage to 70's exploitation movies (with much of the Xena and Hercules casts in cameos), Fish Tank (British movie that ended up being boring), The Girl Who Played With Fire (Swedish version) which I liked much better than the first movie, and Moon, an awesome psychological movie that I recommend to my R-rated watchers (language).  Also saw The Town which was pretty good and Mic Macs, a French film that I'm still not sure exactly what happened.  But it was shot in the Amelie style, which I enjoy.  Also watched a bit of the Oscars.  James Franco was lifeless and I think Anne Hathaway overcompensated for it (I adore her though).  Kirk Douglas was great.  Probably won't watch the rest of what I missed.

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