Thursday, February 24, 2011

In the Moody

I've been super moody recently.  There were several weeks when I was just in a funk.  In my plan for this year, I planned to have Lasik surgery and then 3 months later, join a gym with a pool.  But eating better has gotten harder and I wasn't losing any weight.  Thinking of all the weight loss sayings I have heard, one was that you shouldn't plan to make changes, you should just do it.  So about two weeks ago I did.  I joined a gym.  I also signed up for a group weight-loss class which kicked my butt the first day (I didn't even know treadmills could go up to 15% incline).  I've since had to modify the intensity down a bit so I don't feel like vomiting or fainting, but surprisingly exercise seems to be helping.  At least I have times when I'm in good moods now.  And strangely, I have felt more like socializing recently.  I know, shocker.  So now I'm going to the gym 3-5 times a week and slowly trying to add more protein and less carbs to my diet (not Atkins, don't worry).  I am drinking my first protein shake now.  It takes like chocolate pudding.  That's good at the moment.

It's very frustrating not to see any results after making a major change to your lifestyle.  Yes, more energy and better moods are results, but not the number one result that I was looking for.  And being so overweight and going to the gym makes me feel very vulnerable.  There's also a lot more pain in exercising than I used to have.  But I plan on keeping at it.  I shouldn't complain too much - my bowling score has strangely gone up (correlation or causation?).  Current average is now 123.  High score is 170. And it let me give in and buy some new geeky tee shirts.



  1. The Ball is rolling . . . soon the effects will start to snowball, you'll see!
    Good Job! Love ya, Carmen

  2. You are an inspiration! I really want to start exercising, too. I'm going to give myself a couple more weeks for recovery and then jump right in. We'll see what happens with two small ones at home. Keep us posted (and thereby motivated).
