Monday, January 31, 2011

Cereal Dreaming

I have been eating oatmeal for breakfast recently, and using cereal as more of a snack food.  Usually I just use Frosted Mini-Wheat bites, but have been branching out to do Honeycombs sometimes and Life cereal.

Growing up, every time any of us kids had life cereal for breakfast, my dad would just look at us with a big grin on his face and say "Well, that's life!".  This was extremely funny, likely because we were teenagers who were getting up at 5AM to attend early morning seminary.  The memory still puts a big grin on my face.

I was excited when I went shopping at Walmart this weekend because they finally stocked Berry Berry Kix, one of my favorites (and Gluten-Free).  They advertise a new look, and unfortunately it came with a new, blander taste.  *pout*  I HATE when they change the cereals.  I still haven't forgiven Rice Krispies for taking away my Rice Krispies with mini-marshmallows (that were hard - yum!) back in the late 80's and my poor mother has to search for Christmas Crunch (Cap'n Crunch) for me every year (I think it's been 10 years since there was any).  I'm a Bowen.  I take my cereal seriously.

Anyone else have a discontinued cereal that they still miss?

Note:  In searching for images on Google, this Christmas Crunch was out in 2009!  JEALOUS!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, K, I'm a simple cereal eater: Honey Nut Cherios, occasionally Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I miss the cool toys in the cereal boxes though . . .
