Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Craftiness

Look what I made!

I made Christmas freezer jelly all on my own for the first time!  Yay!  Today I plan to make bread to put it on tomorrow.

Look what I didn't make!

But maybe will this year.  I feel like I need to do more girly things and since I am not the best seamstress in the world, pillowcases sound obtainable.  The ones pictured are gifts from my mom.  Anyone interested?


  1. I thought about making pillowcases this year. I even have some fabric for it. As for the jam, I've only ever made that once. I'd rather buy it! Seems like you're more girly than me!

  2. You make the pillow cases . . . send them to me for embroidery . . . then we sell them and make money! How's that sound? ~Carmen
