Monday, July 22, 2013

Molly Playdate with Madison!

Meet Madison - one of my neighbor's Golden Retriever/Great Pyrenees Mix.

Well hello there!
Neighbor's AC is out so she (Madison) came over to cool off for an hour last Friday.  Molly LOVED it. While Madison was exploring Molly followed her everywhere.

Molly being a good host and offering refreshments.
 Every couple minutes, they would stop and play - here are pictures from one of those interludes.
Jumping up from a play bow.
Madison about to paw at Molly...

...only to get knocked down!

Molly goes in for the chest...

...and Madison blocks with a paw to the heat.

Molly goes under the paw for a mouth of fur.

Time out for an eye rub.

Surprise double paw upper cut!

Back to cuddle fighting.

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