Monday, September 17, 2012

Gone Fishing

On Saturday, Dad and I resumed our quest to catch a fish for a couple hours at Claude Moore Park.  Still no fish but we had a grand time thanks to perfect weather, good company, and a playful puppy.

Dad showing Molly how to reel in the line.

Molly decides she's got it down.

Handsome man...menacing shadow....

Fishing on a bucket.

Fishing and petting at the same time - I am talented.

Molly looking for fish.

Molly cooling off.

Molly taunting Dad to chase her.
I can't describe in words how fun it was to watch Molly running up and down the shoreline.  She decided she was a little scared of Dad's hat, but as you see above, she wasn't afraid to taunt him into chasing her!  The videos below are just a snippet of the good times we had.

Tired after a long day...her tongue is even starting to hang out!

1 comment:

  1. Awww. She is such a lovely animal. And it looks like you all had such fun.
