Monday, November 10, 2014

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Blink and You'll Miss It

Molly and her friends Niko and Emmy were in the cutest pose looking around the column at our friends house.  By the time I was able to take the picture, Niko had run out of frame, Emmy had moved and Molly blinked during the photo!  Who knew dogs did that too!

What'd I miss?

Monday, October 13, 2014

Molly & Friends...

Molly and best friend Madison

Are you going to try to get me?

Haha!  Got you first!

Water break!

Molly being excited to have Madison over.

Nap time!

More sleepy cuteness!
With Madison's new puppy brother Archie!

 Molly and foster cousin Marley....

We are under the table friends.

See?  Tables are awesome.

Yeah.  We are so cool.

 Molly with playmates Niko and Emmy
Three dogs.  One rug.  

Everypuppy waiting for cookies!
Archie checking us out from his balcony.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Went on a lovely walk with Molly yesterday morning.  Got to sit on my favorite bench in the woods nearby and enjoy looking up.

 Puppy pics after the jump!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Molly's current favorite treat is a toy that is shaped as a bow that I stuff with turkey and cheese.


Thursday, July 31, 2014

Photos from Benson Virginia Visit

 Too sick still to write much, but here are photos from the Benson visit to Virginia!

Grandparents with Grandkids.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Free Fishing Friday

Dad & I (& Molly) went fishing this morning at Claude Moore Park for Free Fishing Friday.  No luck with fish but was super peaceful.  Only down-side was the gnats were out in full force.

Note:  It was so sunny out, couldn't see the camera display, so everything's a bit off.

Smile for the camera!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Just Lying Around

Molly's version of the dog curious head tilt.  

Molly begging to go to bed (falling asleep sitting up).

Molly's new sleeping place - mostly under the bed.


Realizing her mom's taking her picture while sunbathing.

Posing for picture sunbathing.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Lenah Mill

Yesterday Molly and I went on a field trip and drove a bit west to the new community of Lenah Mill.  They have a nifty water wheel decoration with a path nearby that we decided to walk.  Molly always gets excited for new places to walk.  However, this mill is right next to the highway and right after this picture was taken a big gravel truck drove by and Molly pulled me quickly in the opposite direction.  It started to rain soon after so we raced to the car.  Short, but fun little jaunt. 

The wheel squeaks while turning at just the right pitch to perk up Molly's ears.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Molly Picture Update

Molly has a tradition of waiting for me at the top of the stairs.  One day after wearing her out on a walk, I dropped her off while I brought the garbage cans and and came back to a tired out dog at the top of the stairs.

What?  This is how I guard the house.  Anyone coming in would trip over me.

If you've ever seen a Beggin' Strip, you know they are about 4 inches long and curvy.  We got the ultimate strip (about four strips combined) in our last bag.  I had to take it out for a picture.  You can see what came soon afterwards.
Note:  Molly was not planned to be in the picture.  She snuck in just as I was about to take it.

Molly loves getting under the table while we are eating - but she's started to go under when I set the table - which this Sunday was an hour before the meal.  She stayed there for over two hours!  And loved it (and the ham she got as a reward).
This is much more comfy than those chairs.

Resting up before the begging campaign begins.
 Today on my lunch break, Molly and I went on a field trip walk - drove a couple neighborhoods over and walked around a lake.  It ended up being a little too hot for her, but was still a fun time.  I got a great picture of the lake.
There were actually TWO fountains.
 And tried to get a good one of Molly while not able to see my screen.  Which created this gem:

This is great!  I'm hot! I saw geese!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Random Molly Pics

Visiting Aunt Pat's.  Molly respects the kitties, but wants to be their friend.  After she leaves, kitties spend a lot of time smelling where she's been.

Molly rarely sticks her head out the window.  Here she is at a stoplight enjoying the view.

And here she is hiding after she hears a big truck.
Cuddly duo.

What was that? I can't hear you...let me stick my ear up.

Over the couch peek-a-boo.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Conversation With Molly, Bedtime Edition

K:  Molly, it's bedtime!  Want to come up on the bed?
M:  No, I'm okay in my dog bed.  See I'm lying down now.  No need to get up again.
K:  (pats bed)  Are you sure?  Wanna come up?  (pat pat)
M:  (gets more comfy) No, this is my spot.
K:  Okay, then I'm going to raise the back and read (starts adjust the bed up)
M:  OH NO! THE BED IS DISAPPEARING!  MUST GET UP IMMEDIATELY AND SAVE THE BED! (gets on top of bed faster than almost ever WHILE it is still moving)

I saved the bed!  All the space is mine!
I ended up reading and while tucked into that space on the left-side of the picture.  That is more space than she usually leaves me (mostly cause I got up on the bed before she laid down).  Once I put the back of the bed down again, I got to sleep next to the wall most of the night.  I should have splurged on a king size.