Thursday, April 18, 2013

Picture Catch-up - March/April

Molly had just had an accident on the bed (her first and only one so far) so I took the sheets off to wash.  She still wanted to go to bed so she laid on them until we went to sleep in the other room (yay air bed!)

I'm so sorry.  I'll just sleep here.

Mom always worries that Molly only loves her for giving her treats.  I think this proves otherwise.

Molly's thinking "This is an awesome pillow!"

I work at my parents one day a week and sometimes Molly doesn't like my ignoring her so long.  Good thing Grandma is there to pay her some attention!

Nothing on that screen can be more important than me.  Wait, you're not watching CAT videos, are you?!
Just a cute photo, again at parents.

You're going to give me all your food, right?
 I've been trying to get a cute pic of us together.  Here are a couple of attempts.

I look really cute - Molly thought so too - she's mid-turn to lick my face here.

Argh - problem with self pics is you can't tell if centered.
 And just in case you thought my dog was all cuteness...she made this face in her sleep - her tongue had been lolling out and then she had a growly dream.

I dreamed I ate a tomato - YUCK!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, for cute! I think those self-portraits are great. :)
