Monday, May 14, 2012

Fun at work

I am having a blue day at work.  So my coworker Jennifer calls me and sends me this.

We somehow end up talking about flesh-eating bacteria.  So I send her this:

Day gets a little brighter.

Wig-tastic Mothers Day

At one point on Mothers Day this year, we were waiting at the table for Mom to return from running upstairs to get something and decided to play with the wigs that she was giving away (my mother doesn't wear a wig but bought a few at one point as she thought she would need one).  I saved the best picture for last.
I think this one makes me look a little like my friend Carmen.

Old Mother Hubbard hair.

Justin Bieber hair.

Pat looks good as a blonde!
Looks almost natural!
Todd decided not to participate.
Mom's surprised look...especially when she saw....

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I am slightly obsessed by what I call darwinfish decals on the back of cars.  I'd forgotten I'd taken this pic of a car in the library parking lot.  

Fishys!  Also, I wonder how they got away with that license plate.

I have a decal on the back of my you know what it is?  (hint - it's not a fish).

Monday, May 7, 2012

Free Comic Book Day

Did you celebrate?  Here is my haul.  The books on the left were from this years Free Comic Book Day.  The books on the right are free ones that the store was offering.  We were allowed 5 of each (T gave me some of his).  So excited to dig in!

It's like candy for my brain.

Home Projects

Wow I have a lot to catch up on.  I've been busy getting my new place put together to my satisfaction which has involved buying a lot of things (such as my own washer/dryer - have you seen the inside of washers now?  No agitator pole.  Much easier to load and balance everything.  See?

My next goal was to buy a table and chairs - I haven't had a dining room table in years - and the last one I had we used to hold the Microwave as there was no counter space in the apartment (it is now the patio table of my old neighbors).   After visiting multiple furniture stores and sweating at how much these things cost now (my last one was $100 and it CAME with four chairs), I finally went with one on Amazon that I would have to put together myself but was EXACTLY what I wanted.


I can seat six people!

I can shrink to fit four people!

Look how pretty I am!

My brother Toby & I put the table and chairs together in a couple hours.  We totally rock.  

Next up on my list (that I will take advantage of T again) is putting up ceiling fans.  I've got the first two ready - waiting for the third to arrive.  I was originally planning on getting someone to do it for me but all three ceiling fans cost less than $150.  To install would cost more than twice that.  It doesn't look that hard in the instructions.   If one ends up falling out of the ceiling on me while I sleep I may change my mind about that.

Blades are white on the other side.  Why they are fake wood on the back is beyond me.

 Let me know if you want more pics of the new place!

Root Beer Float Spoons

When I first got my own place, I started my quest for my own set of root beer float spoons (if you read this blog, you understand my love of root beer).  I had grown up with them and used them often.  However every kitchen store employee I asked about if they had any root beer float spoons in stock made all sorts of confused and funny faces and maybe checked if a security guard was nearby to haul me away to a sanitarium.  I discussed my quest with my friend Kim last year and she kindly explained to me with only a little bit of teasing that these were more commonly known as iced tea spoons.  Color me uninformed (I have had two sips of iced tea in my life.  The first one was disgusting and the second was to confirm that yes, it was full of yuck.).  Kim made it her mission now to find me root beer float spoons and amazingly found not only the iced tea spoons (which are now ALSO being marketed as ice cream spoons on Amazon - take that kitchen store employees!) but old time root beer float spoons.  These are a slightly concave round piece of metal attached to a metal straw.  SO PERFECT.   I think the metal in the straw somehow enhances the root beer flavor (A&W being the one of choice for root beer floats).  You should come over sometime and float with me.  

Two types of root beer float spoons.

YUM!  Root Beer Float!