Thursday, April 7, 2011

First Journal Entry: May 1, 1988 Sunday

Today is the first day of May.  The first thing I did was have breakfast, get dressed and do the the dogs, Tasha, Kam, Monique.  That is my job.  The next thing I did was take a shower and get dressed again but in a dress for church. It was Stake Conference and I just sat and did some fun stuff pages.

About a half hour after church, which was from 1-3, we had dinner.  then my Dad, dog and I went on a walk through the woods.  We took the leafy path for the first time in a long time.  A lot of people had littered a lot.  Why do people litter?

This was apparently for a project in 3rd grade where we had to do journal entries for a week and ask questions at the end of each entry.

Best items from other entries:
Thought it was spelled relifasociaty.  I think I thought it was one word.
I still loved rain - one entry all about chanted for it to rain longer and doing a rain dance.
I used to give Mom presents from the dog.  For mothers day, she got this poem:
"Roses are red, violets are blue, there's no dog luckier with a mama like you."

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I wonder where my old journals from elementary are. I bet the kids would love to read that!
