Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Cuddle Buddies

Watch out Dad...there's a new man in Mom's life.

Cuddle cuddle cuddle.

I think Bleu has a new favorite sleeping spot.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Meet Bleu

Say hi to new foster dog Bleu!   Bleu is four and a half years old and is a blue Great Dane.
Hi!  I'm so cute!

It's been a rough transition as he is VERY ACTIVE when anxious so no sleep the first night.  He is finally setting down though.  He and Molly mostly ignore each other.  The picture below is the closest they have been (except for walking together).

Mama made us do this.

We're hoping to do a test car ride tomorrow to prepare for a visit to the Bowen house so he can have fun in the yard.  Wish us luck!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Molly had two cysts removed last Friday.  One was HUGE - it was about a 2 inch cube.  Vet said it was a water seal cyst. It's being biopsied just in case.  The other was a a one inch deep sebaceous cyst - looked like a mini cluster of grapes.  Molly did excellent in her surgery - only needed a local anesthetic and had NO sedation.  I got to hold her the whole time which helped (helped BOTH of us).  She is recovering well; in fact has been a bit hyper.  She has 10 staples in her back plus sutures.  


Clean Laundry

This is what happens when one procrastinates folding the laundry too long.

Now you'll smell like me!  MUHAHA!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Challenge Complete

Mother. I have completed the task of disarming this bone from the delicious evil lord of ham.  Please commence with the next challenge.  Perhaps we can defeat the yummy dastardly lord of chicken this time.