Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Something MORE

As is our typical morning routine, I gave Molly her Bow Bone stuffed with turkey in cheese.  After finishing half of it she whined at me that she wanted something MORE. But failed to declare what that something MORE was.  

So we howled together.  That seemed to help a bit, but she still wanted something MORE.

So I got up and made sure that the cheese was close to the edge on her toy and after a few licks, she looked at me again and wanted something MORE.

So I stood in front of her and she sat up and I danced and tried to get her to hug.  She looked at me like I was crazy, stood up, walked a few steps, then turned her head and said she still wanted something MORE.  

So I danced around her, scratching her back and petting her as I went round and round, singing to her.  Molly looked at me with a look that said, Okay, maybe something LESS.

So I sat down back to work and Molly sniffed at her bone, considered the couch and made me open the balcony door.  The sun wasn't out so that wasn't an option yet.  So after a considering look at me, she laid down and licked her Bow Bone again.  

Apparently that was enough MORE.  For now.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Kissy kissy

It's rare to get a pic of me with Molly (only so much I can do with a selfie) - it was so nice for my sis-in-law Jana to take one with Molly, me and my hopefully no longer afraid of dogs niece Siana!


Friday, January 2, 2015