Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Conversation With Molly, Bedtime Edition

K:  Molly, it's bedtime!  Want to come up on the bed?
M:  No, I'm okay in my dog bed.  See I'm lying down now.  No need to get up again.
K:  (pats bed)  Are you sure?  Wanna come up?  (pat pat)
M:  (gets more comfy) No, this is my spot.
K:  Okay, then I'm going to raise the back and read (starts adjust the bed up)
M:  OH NO! THE BED IS DISAPPEARING!  MUST GET UP IMMEDIATELY AND SAVE THE BED! (gets on top of bed faster than almost ever WHILE it is still moving)

I saved the bed!  All the space is mine!
I ended up reading and while tucked into that space on the left-side of the picture.  That is more space than she usually leaves me (mostly cause I got up on the bed before she laid down).  Once I put the back of the bed down again, I got to sleep next to the wall most of the night.  I should have splurged on a king size.