Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Morning at the Bowens...

Molly helping Dad work out (he was about to do sit-ups)

Mom and Molly taking a quick nap together.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Happy Anniversary to Molly!

Yesterday was the first anniversary of my adoption of the sweetest dog, Molly.
We started the day with snuggles in bed.  We then went to the dog park for a couple hours were Molly got to bark at some dogs and people as well as play with a couple dogs.  We came home and she had a chicken and rice with kibble breakfast.  After a quick dog nap, Molly chased after pieces of chicken thrown around the apartment and then snuggled with me for an hour before we went to visit the grandparents.  Molly got to have more snacks thrown to her from grandma, had a nice walk with grandpa and got to hide under the dining room table during supper (which she got pieces of pork, rice and green beans as occasional rewards).     After some time sleeping on top of and/or under my feet, we headed home with the AC on (she prefers that to windows down) Molly had a quick dinner of kibble with chicken drippings and then fell asleep stretched out on her bed.  She woke only to get her end of day dental bone and move into her mom's bed for some more snuggling before going to sleep for the night.  It was a wonderful day.

Love you.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Someone sleeps better when she knows where her mom is.