Friday, May 17, 2013

New Elevated Bed for Molly

 Elevated beds are supposed to keep a dog cooler and since Molly gets overheated easily, I thought I would try one.  Luckily one of my fellow Dane owners had one that she didn't want any more.   Since it is such a different feel, I didn't know whether she would like it or not.  But I got her on the bed pretty quickly.

ANOTHER bed?  Mommy is so mean to me.

She didn't seem to like it too much at first, but it turns out that was partly because she was still mad at me leaving her alone in the house for SO LONG (about an hour).  She soon forgave me and I got the cute pic below.

I should have been a dog model!  I am too cute!  And photogenic!

It remains to be seen whether she will get on the bed yet on her own, but a fun first try!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mothers Day

My mom is wonderful.  And a joy to be with.  It is so fun to watch her play with Molly. 

5/13 - images now in chronological order.

Mom couldn't resist petting Molly...
...Molly really enjoyed being pet on the grass...
....and surprised Mom with a belly rub request...
...which they both loved.