Friday, August 17, 2012

Best Spot in the Yard

There is 15 year time span between these pictures but both Molly (current dog) and Midnight (previous puppy) like the same spot in my parents backyard - even the landscaping has changed!

Molly went over here, dug a hole and laid down in it.

Nice and cool.

Midnight didn't have to dig - there was plenty of ivy.  Can you see her?

There she is!  Awww....

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream

Molly really likes to sleep with her head hanging off her bed.  Luckily the old dog bed was nearby to be a pillow.

This happens at least once a day.
See?  This is one week later.  Can you spot the difference?
Look who's allowed on the couch!  Still trying to figure out the best position.

MUCH more comfy.

She even is starting to like her crate.

Let's try hanging something else off the bed...

...need more hang...

This happened after she kicked the door in her sleep - she blamed it on me.

Molly loves her car rides - even when she's tired.

Is there a law about taking pics with your camera while driving?

This was just too cute to miss.

I occasionally even get snuffles - it's getting to be a regular position.
How do YOU watch TV?