Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring is in the Air...

...and on the tree outside my window.  I swear, this bird is stalking me.   See if you can spot the second bird in the picture.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Added twitter posts to right side of blog - lets see if I can keep them up.  If you are on twitter - I am KristennetsirK.

Why did I join twitter?  It's all Steven Wright's fault.  He's tweeting a line in a story daily.  Here's the start:

Harold was a small curious boy who loved to look around. In some ways he was normal. Although an only child, he enjoyed the privacy. He was friendly to people and most animals. From a distance he did not look smaller. Harold did like to paint. But he loved to look at his paintings. He liked to look at them about twice as much as doing them.
He liked to think about them three times as much as looking at them. His favorite colors were blue, yellow, green, black, orange, forest green, red, white, off white, and extremely off white. He did not like aqua because the spelling irritated him.
I always disliked aqua as well.  However, I think aqueduct is very fun to say.  Uses multiple parts of your mouth.  AQUEDUCT.  Word of the day.