Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Doggie Ice Cream Break

Even dogs need an ice cream break now and then.

Who's the happiest one in this picture?  THREE WAY TIE!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Grandma and Molly

Even when asleep, Molly likes to be involved with everything.  Good thing her Grandma loves it too!
Grandma is considering decorating Molly with the ornaments.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Field Trips

Mom, Dad, Molly and I went to Bull Run to celebrate Memorial Day.  

I swear, Stonewall Jackson AND his horse had heads in the display when I took the pic.


Dad and I did our annual free fishing Friday at Claude Moore Park.  Still haven't caught a fish.  But the 4 year old next to us caught one half her size in 5 minutes.  *jealous*

Lake with geese (they doubled before we left)

Molly loved watching the lake and geese.

Look at that grin on his face!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Last and First

Last photo in my old place...
Woohoo! Sunshine!
 First photo while staying with parents:

I'm not sure about this.  I need my Grandma.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Too Much and Not Enough

Too much is going on and not enough to talk about at the same time.  So instead, enjoy this photo of Molly sunbathing.

Yeah, my inner ear needs a tan.

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Two dogs....one bully stick.  Love that Molly and Niko are comfortable enough with each other to share!

Nom nom nom.